
the pack pride chapter 1

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The pack pride.


"Mew! Mew! Mew!"  A squeak was herd. A normal frame lioness approaches the squeaks she herds. It was night time and very dark. The cub was next to the river. The lioness was light with brown eyes. She looks and sees a cub. The cub was milk chocolate brown with black tiger spots. The cub had the tale of a lion. Dark eyes but in the right light you could see that her eye were brown hazel. She was bigger than any cub she seen. Also her ears were black.
The lioness was Cadira. Cadira has never seen a cub like this before. She would take this cub to her daughter Johari. She had just had three cubs. She could whine a forth. At first johari didn't want to take the cub but with much persistence from her mother she would whine her off.  Cadira name the cub Waka. After Waka was whine off cadira took her and kept her in the cave with her mate. He love her and she him. The pride accepted her. Ada, ye and Kat loved to play with her.
Waka was smaller than the other cubs and it was soon discover that Waka was growing very slowly. Cadira teach Waka how to hunt and track. While Kirum would teach her self respect and teach her how to be a strong leader.  Waka was a fast learner.
Waka would watch and try to stop Kat and Ada from fighting. Kat would spend most of her time exploring and Waka would fallow her. Sarafina was a good aunty she would play an important role in their lives.

One night I followed johari she had an upset look on her face. Then I heard a voice. "Good evening, Johari." It was king ahadi.
Johari was surprise. "Oh…hello, your Majesty…I didn't realize you were still out…" she said trying to make small talk. But the look on ahadi face told me otherwise.
"Yes…it is rather late,isn't it? Where are you off to at this hour?" he ask her nicely ahadi surprise me I thought he knew what she was up to. Or maybe he knew and just didn't want to say anything.
"Nowhere… I'm just thirsty, that's all. I was just going to get a drink." She said quickly.
"I see. Then I shall join you and walk you back to pride rock. It's not entirely safe to be wandering around alone at night." He said. I think he knew what he was doing just didn't want to make a seen or didn't want to worry about it at such a late hour.
"You don't need to do that, Sir! I'm sure I'll be fine…and I don't want to take up your time." She said trying to get away from ahadi.
"Nonsense. I don't mind at all." He said with a smile. Ahadi wasn't going to let her get away at all. Go ahadi! I thought.
"Well…if you insist…" she said with a smile. The minute ahadi back was turn she frowns. I laugh to myself. I decided to go back to the cave mom would be mad if she found out I left.
The next morning me and Kat herd King ahadi and Queen Uru talking about Kat dad and how they think Johari is sneaking off to see Mjeuri. Ahadi said he needs proof to find out. But the only way to know for sure is for someone to follow her. They also wanted to speak with her parents. Kat had a worry look on her face I was also worried.
Latter on Kat was more than annoyed.
"ARRRGGHH!!! GET OFF!" Kat scream trying to get Ye off her.
. "What's the magic word?"  Ye teased with a smile.
"I'm warning you!" Kat scream with her claws out.
"Nope! You Lose." Ye said playfully.
"You'll lose your head if you don't get off right now!" Kat scream trying to get ye off her.
"Pfft… you didn't even say 'please'…" ye said.
"I shouldn't HAVE to say 'please'! just get Off!!!" Kat scream.
"Ada,sort your sisters out will you? I have more important things to do…" the bitch said.
"Yes Mommy." Ada said.
"Yeah we all know how important you're activates are johari." I said.
"Shut up Waka!" she yells wand walk away. Annoyed I turn my attention to Ada , Kat and Ye.
"OW! Kat, Let Go!" Ye scream at Kat.
"Not until you say sorry!" Kat growl.
"SAY IT!" Kat demands.
"NEVER!" Ye scream in denial. "MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM!"
I can see Ada loosing patients. "KNOCK IT OFF!!!"
"Ye started it!" Kat scream.
Ye acting like she's in shock try's to deny it. "*gasp* I did NOT!"
Ada not caring try's to squash it. "Who care? I'm finishing it!"
"Why? Who put you in charge, anyway?" Kat demands not backing down.
"Mother did actually, so and behave. She's busy."  Ada said.
"She's always busy…" she said.
"Yeah… and I know why…" Kat declare.
"Yeah? Why then?" Ye asks wanting to know. "Well come with me and I can show you…" Kat said.
"*gasp* you want to spy on MOTHER?" Ada screams.
"Um…yes." Kay said.
"Are you mad?! She'll flip!" Ada said.
"Who cares what she's busy with anyway? It'll be boring adult stuff! Hunting or something! We can't go get in her way! And SPYING on her, KAT? No! You'll get into trouble!" Ada scream at her.
"So? What's she gonna do? Get you to yell at me again? HA!" Kat said with an evil smile. "You can stay here all alone like a good girl if you're too scared, Ada…But us two are going to find out if what I've been thinking is true. Come on, Ye- let's go."
"You too Waka" Kat said.
"Waka no you'll get into trouble with Kat." Ada said.
"I'm in." I said. Ada just looks at me mad.
Ye looked un sure and I just Roll my eyes. "Mm…" I could tell Ye was not as brave as Kat.  
"Nah…Ada's right… it's best to stay put." Ye said looking away.
"Pfft…whatever, then. But Ada's not the boss of me!" Kat said. "Catch you later, I Guess."
"Well you know what they say, don't you?" Ada said. "'curiosity killed the cat'…"
Kat only look mad and walk off with me. I and Kat walk took a while but we eventually found him. He was much bigger then mom and dad. Right now he was listening to johari explains why she couldn't make it. Kat look a little upset.
"So that's WHY I didn't come last night, Mjeuri –the king stopped me. I wanted to come! I was on my way, but I didn't have a choice! I would have been caught otherwise…" johari explain herself.
"Well, you're here now… that's what matters. Have you thought about what I said." the lion said. Not once smiling being happy to see johari.
"Of course I have! It's all I ever think about! But I don't think it's possible, Mjeuri! You know how strict my parents are… they'll never let me leave the pride, and even if I did, they'd only follow me. And it'd make your life harder… is it really worth it?" johari tried to reason with Mjeuri obviously not wanting to leave the pride.
"So, you're just going to let them control your life forever, are you? What about what WE want, johari? If you don't stand up to your parents we'll never be together!" Mjeuri said trying to convince johari and of course she was weakening.
"Think about it! You've got too many eyes on you while you're here, johari. Last night proves that – if Ahadi really did stop you like you said. We could have a life of our own, you and me. Our own pride…nobody to order you around or keep us apart! And then of course there are our children! Do you know how much it pains me that I'm not allowed to meet them, all because your stupid parents? They'll ruin our lives johari. So I wish you'd just come away with me so we can be together….." he said with a sad expression.
"All I want is to be with you! but that's only possible if we run away, you know? I'm not sure if I can leave my family like that and never see them again. They're a pain, but I do love them." johari said. That might have been the most non bitchy thing I heard her ever say.
Mjeuri then look upset. "Well you better decide who you love more- them, or me- because you can't have both!" he said. "Unless, of course….Taka's the reason you don't want to leave…"
"NO!!! I've told you before not to be jealous of that little rat! I can't stand him and I love YOU! And if running away with you is what it takes to prove it, then I'll do it! I promise!" She promises. This was not good I love mom and dad but if keeping Kat safe meant leaving at a young age I'll do it! I'm a good hunter anyway. I can hunt rabbit and kill other things too! I won't let anyone hurt Kat!
"Good. Then you'd better tell me more about our children." Kat face went into shock when she heard that.
"There's not much to say than what you already know. Ada the smart one. She's a good kid. Ye is loud and hyper, and Kat… well, Kat is the runt." The wicked witch from the east said. Kat had an angry expression on her face.
"I AM NOT A RUNT!" Kat scream running out. I came from behind her.
"Huh so this is your dad Kat." I said.
Both Johari and Mjeuri both had an angry look on their faces.
"Oh I am scared." I said not caring if Johari or Mjeuri is angry.
"Shut up Waka!" Johari screams at me.
"So this is Waka. Never seen a lion like her. Are you sure she's a lion?" Mjeuri said. "Loo
"No. we know she's has something else in her but we don't know what. She's always insulting me. She's the most viscous little cub I've ever seen. Yesterday she killed 17 rabbits just so she could feed her wild dog friends! She always sticks up for Kat. One time she bit me and took a chunk of flesh out. Like some vicious hyena! I'm just glad my parents raise her." Johari said angrily. I just glare at her. "And your daughter friends with her! Which reminds me."
"Pfft. Meet your daughter, Mjeuri." Johari said.
"Like your someone special johari." I said looking just upset as kat.
"Shut up waka!" johari snap.
"This is Kat? Sneaky little thing isn't she? And she has a big voice for one so small…" Mjeuri said.
"Yes she's a pain in the ass. Her attitude stinks and she's always in a bad mood." Johari said.
"Just like her mother, then." Mjeuri said.
"Looks like me, doesn't she? And what about the other two? Who do they look like?" Mjeuri said binding down to get a better look at Kat. I could see he was a little upset so I got in front of Kat.
"You'll see for yourself soon enough. What are you doing here anyway, Kat?! You KNOW I don't like you following me when I'm busy!" johari screams.
"Cause what you're doing johari is so important." I said faking.
"Shut up Waka!" Johari said. "See What I'm talking about."
"Relax, Johari. There are other ways to deal with cubs other than yelling at them." Mjeuri said. I started to growl baring my teeth and extending my long razor sharp claws. In an instant he flips me and Kat on our backs. I stated to claw at his paws. But he endured the pain and made sure his paw was on me so that I wouldn't take a chunk of flesh out of him.  
"She can't be THAT much trouble. After all, she's so……TINY…" Mjeuri said angrily.
"Uh…Mjeuri…" Johari said shock.
"Don't worry, I'm not hurting her. Am I Kat?" he asks Kat. I look at Kat I could tell she was scared this just made me madder. And I just kept clawing harder and kept trying to bit him.
"N-no, but-"She said scared.  
But Mjeuri just cut her off." Disobeying your mother is not on, Kat. You certainly won't get away with bad behavior now I'm a part of your life. Do you understand?" he asks angrily. "AND WOULD YOU STOP CLAWING ME!"
"DIE! MJEURI!" I scream angrily still clawing and trying to bite.
"JOHARI!!!" I heard a scream.
"Crap…" I saw Johari face went. She knew she was screwed. But she quickly recovers. "Oh no…what are YOU doing here?" she yell at sarafina.
"I could ask you the same thing! And why is HE here?!"  Sarafina yells at her. "Get your paws off Kat,Mjeuri!" I never saw sarafina so mad. she was baring her teeth. "And get your paws off waka!"
"Relax, sarafina! I'm not doing any harm!" Mjeuri yell getting mad.
"I don't care! You shouldn't even BE here! WAIT until I tell Ahadi…" sarafina yells.
Mjeuri then remove his paw from me and kat and I gave his paw a bite. "*GROWL SNARL*" I went.
"OWE!" he swipe his paw at me and I dodge it.
"Leave Waka alone!" Sarafina growled. "I'm going to get the king."
"There's no need for that, sarafina! I was just leaving anyway." Mjeuri said angrily.
"Good! And you better not come back!" Sarafina growls still angrily baring her teeth.
"Believe me… I won't." Mjeuri said angrily walking off. We all watch him walk off until he disappears.
"Happy now?" Johari ask angrily at sarafina.
"Honestly, Johari, when will you learn?!" sarafina yield at johari angrily.
"When will YOU mind your own business? You can't stand to see me happy, can you?" johari yells at sarafina.
I and sarafina both just roll our eyes. "Ugh, HERE we go…" sarafina said.
"It's true, sarafina! You're jealous that I've got someone and nobody loves you… that's what this has always been about!" johari said. I couldn't believe it someone jealous of her? Who would be jealous of someone like her?
"Jealous?! Listen to yourself! The only thing I'm jealous about are those three beautiful cubs you've been blessed with! And you sure as hell don't deserve them.." sarafina retorted.
"You take that back! Who do you think you are?!" johari scream angrily.
"I'm your SISTER, that's who! Only you're too stupid to see that I care about you!" sarafina yells.
"Yeah? Well you might hate Mjeuri so much, but just remember these cubs wouldn't be here at all if it weren't for him! And I LOVE my cubs! All of them johari yells angrily.
"LOVE them?! Well, you have a funny way of-"sarafina yells then she stop and look at Kat. Kat was laying there looking at her. Sarafina then had a sad expression. "Now isn't the time, Johari we'll talk later-take your daughter home."
"Why don't YOU take her home if you think I'm such a terrible Mother!" she screams at strafing. "Or better still- take her off my paws completely!" she then ran off leaving Kat and sarafina.
"Johari!" sarafina scream at her. "You are so IMPOSSIBLE!"
Latter on sarafina took me home. "Waka don't breathe a word to mom and dad." She said.
"Ok sarafina." I said. Just then Cadira walk to us.
"Where have you to been?" Cadira ask us.
"Sarafina took me out to hunt antelope." I said.
"Is that so?" Kirum ask walking forward from the cave.
"Yes daddy. We didn't catch anything though." Sarafina said.
"It's quit alright the pride already caught some food." She said. That night I went to sleep.
The next day I spy on Johari. She receives a message from Mjeuri to leave to night. She still was going to leave with him! I had to go to wild dog territory and quick. Their territory was on the outskirts of the pride lands near the deserts. They weren't allowed to go too far in the pride lands. But due to my rabbits and whatever animal I hunt I give them they them we were good friends. I needed three pups to go with me tonight. As I hurry there I kill three rabbits.
"Thanks for the rabbits Waka." Hectro said as he ate his rabit. Hector had dark fur with light patches with dark eyes. "What do you need?"
"I need you three to leave the pride lands with me tonight." I said with a serious face.
"WHAT!" Hectra said.  Hectra had dark fur but not as dark as Hector. She had light spots and well. She had green eyes and a pink noise.
"Johari wants to leave and take ada, Kat and ye with her. She wants to live with her horrible mate Mjeuri. He's abusive guys I saw that first hand. I know We can do a lot if we work together and as we get older we can do more. If I tell the king he'll stop her but she's just going to keep trying. And she'll succeed one day. That's why we must go. Because if we don't they will be in serious trouble! So are you guys with me?" I ask them.
"Well I we gotta do something." Hecto said. Hecto had brown eyes and dark fur with light brown patches. He also had a black noise.
"I'm in." Hectro said
"Me Too." Hectra said.
"Me three!" Hecto said.
"So when's the move?" hectro ask.
"Tonight! I'll leave some food for the pack in a din. Consider it a parting gift." I said leaving.
Later on I kill 20 rabbits and put it all in the din. That night Hectro, Hectra and Hecto followed me as we all followed johari. She had Kat in her mouth and Ada and ye behind her. Kat was a sleep. Then we all saw Mjeuri. They then began to run from the distance we ran as fast as we could to keep up. As we ran to keep up I couldn't help but think about my family and about mom and dad and mufasa and sarafina. Tears were in my eyes I would keep Ada, Kat and ye safe!
"No looking back now! Keep on running!" I heard Mjeuri voice.
"Mommy slow down! We can't keep up!" Ada Yelled.
Kat then awoken from the noise."WAAAAAAH! YOU LIED! YOU BROKE YOUR PROMISE! PUT ME DOWN! I DON'T WANT TP LEAVE AUNTY! I WANT MY AUNTY! WAAAH!" she cried struggling to be free from her mother. We kept running I wouldn't let Kat be alone! I wouldn't let Ada be alone! I wouldn't let ye be alone! I wouldn't let anyone be alone!
this is inspired by the comic koai does it is a Christmas president. i plan on restarting my story's for koai. hopefuly she will like and let it continued.

the only oc that belong to me are waka, hectro,hectra and hecto.

the rest belongs to koai. she a great artist and has come a long way!
© 2012 - 2024 wasfight17
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KoTheArtist's avatar
Aaw, another cool story. :) I always like how include your own characters in existing scenes, it's always really cool. I look forward to reading more. ^^